protection for indonesian worker in abroad stilll have been lack, more
over when several case emerged from our worker there. Begin with
strictness, insulting, up to threatened with capital punnishment. The
government still keep wishing the way to gain some devisit. And it
pretend to every worker were equaled as their productions that already
to sell in shape of service to other country. Wherease we can see how
greath of potential indonesia in case, the government and society work
as a group or working together to solve exit from this case that
apparently like immortalize.
The society as a subject that also have impact for a nation. They also have same obligation. In other it will not occure un ballance in process of managing this nation. Ought we must realize to appreciated and carry on what planned and wanted of each other.
The government eather have power to plan and direct their power in mannaging way. As good as their planned if not together with resposibility to managing it was equal with zero result.
According with protection for indonesian worker in abroad. There were three stages that could applied namely : planning, early detect, protection. And one of advantage that wanted to reach in protection for abroad worker of indonesia. I think we need to apply regional regulation about worker and trade in indonesia. Persuing growth of small entreprener and make a light in loan to open a labor and a bridge for requirement easily. Developing education quality and pushing cost of school. Make a sibsidies for the education, developing worker group among international relation in other to closery, and rake in them as our relation of labor. And the government have to active in international peace activity. Muffle conflict and campaign to low ranking of strictness in the world
The society as a subject that also have impact for a nation. They also have same obligation. In other it will not occure un ballance in process of managing this nation. Ought we must realize to appreciated and carry on what planned and wanted of each other.
The government eather have power to plan and direct their power in mannaging way. As good as their planned if not together with resposibility to managing it was equal with zero result.
According with protection for indonesian worker in abroad. There were three stages that could applied namely : planning, early detect, protection. And one of advantage that wanted to reach in protection for abroad worker of indonesia. I think we need to apply regional regulation about worker and trade in indonesia. Persuing growth of small entreprener and make a light in loan to open a labor and a bridge for requirement easily. Developing education quality and pushing cost of school. Make a sibsidies for the education, developing worker group among international relation in other to closery, and rake in them as our relation of labor. And the government have to active in international peace activity. Muffle conflict and campaign to low ranking of strictness in the world
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