Thursday, May 30, 2013

Benar atau Salah

ya ngebahas masalah benar atau salah memang suatu pilihan yang sudah biasa, bagi  manusia normal pastilah akan memilih benar, namun bagaimana jika kamu memilih yang kamu rasa benar itu, tetapi tetap saja bertentangan dengan persepsi orang atau juga  malah disalahkan oleh orang lain. nah sedikit cerita tentang pengalaman aku nih, aku pernah di hadapkan pada suatu pekerjaan yang aku rasa ini hal yang baru dan pastinya pertamakali . tanpa berbekal pengalaman aku pun mencoba hal itu, itu pun aku pertimbangkan jika aku melakukan suatu kesalahan dan resikonya aku sudah kalkulasi. dengan niat 100% untuk belajar hal itu dan mencoba untuk tidak berpenampilan bodoh di depan teman-teman. aku mencoba mengerjakan hal itu, atas dasar "teman aku bisa melakukan, kenapa aku tidak bisa melakukan". ini lah kata yang memotivasi saya untuk itu, habisnya aku melihat teman saya enjoy saja melakukan sesuatu yang baru dan belum pernah ia melakukan sebelumya hasilnya ia berhasil, atau ketika ia gagal pun tetap mereka mengapresiasikannya. nah aku copy cara itu dan aku terapkan pada pekerjaan ini. tetapi hasilnya sangat berbeda dengan teman saya, ketika aku ber inisiatif aku seakan tidak boleh melakukan. dan ketika aku mencoba melakukan seperti teman ku lakukan tetapi sedikit aku melakukan gagal, hasilnya malah aku mendapat masalah yang besar.
itu salah satu contoh dari pengalaman ku.
ke dua, ini terjadi kerika temanku melakukan suatu pekerjaan , aku merasa melihat mereka melakukan pekerjaan itu sudah terlalu banyak orang, sehingga aku pikir jika aku ikut melakukan pekerjaan yang teman aku lakukan itu tidak efisien, karena itu aku diam dan tunggu timing nya untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang belum mereka kerjakan, tetapi mereka seakan menganggapku tidak membantu mereka, padaha niat ku hanya untuk membantu mereka pada saat timing yang tepat, dan aku tau porsi-porsi pekerjaan. tetapi mereka tetap saja menganggap ku seperti itu.
nah yang aku simpulkan dari masalah ini, adalah suatu pilihan yang kita anggap benar menurut kita itu belum tentu benar buat orang lain, pertimbangkan nilai budaya dan kebiasaan yang ada ditempat kita berada.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

pengkajian tentang prediksi terjadinya petir dan banjir based from journal

Satu artikel sangat menarik yang pernah gue baca, bahwa BPPT dan Jepang berencana untuk memetakan  masalah  anomaly alam yaitu petir dan banjir.
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) bekerja sama dengan japan agency for marine – earth  (JAMSTEC) akan melakukan pemetaan petir dan hujan lebat, untuk bisa dipresiksi seminggu kedepan.
Peneliti jamstec suichi mori menjelaska proyek penelitian tentang petir dan cuaca di bogor akan dilakukan tahun  depan, penelitian itu merupakan penelitian pertamakali yang dilakukan diluar jepang.
Mori menjelaskan, saat ia singgah di Bogor satu bulan lamanya. Laptop miliknya sempat rusak beberapakali terkena petir. Bogor itu kota petir karena ada 200 kali petir dalam sebulannya. Apalagi sudah masuk dalam guinnes book of record 1989, terangnya
Dari pengalamannya di jepang, kawasan yang rawan petir bisa diprediksikan dengan radar  yang memantau cuaca. Radar tersebut juga bisa memantau di mana akan terjadi petir besar, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melindungi panel-panel listrik agar tidak rusak .
Dalam kesempatan itu  peneliti utama mitigasi bencana BPPT sekaligus manager proyek tersebut fadly samsudin menjelaskan , selain masalah petir, masalah hujan lebat yang berpotensi banjir juga akan diteliti memakai permodelan.
Selain itu memprediksi banjir seperti yang di Jakarta, baru bisa diketahui setelah enam menit setelah hujan turun, namun dalam proyek ini BPPT dan JAMSTEC akan melakukan model untuk merancang potensi banjir yang akan terjadi sepekan ke depan.
Apa lagi seperti Jakarta yang rawan banjir, akan lebi siaga apabila sudah diketahui potensi terjadi banjir dalam sepekan kedepan. Tapi memang kondisi di jepang dan Indonesia berbeda. Namun, pemodelan yang bisa memprediksi potensi banjir ini bisa diaplikasikan di seluruh wilayah termasuk di Jakarta.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

To day just it

morning wednesday may 22nd 2013. I drove my vehicle such doing common activity in workday. Arrived at the car pull placing my vehicle toward suttle bus. I walked hastily as remember morning will turn to noon. First step at stair of bus while say hallo to other passenger.  I saw all people and hold their hand.
First activity begun and i like usually prepare for all stuffs, and i just saw my friend played with a computer while his hand hold his phone. I knew he just throw dust in eye that he truly not play a computer but busy with facebook.
Such a thunder, i head bad sounds out of my leader that we all united to work gather for comeover a project belt scale. Okay story begin  i effort it the best, in my head never desire i hit my friend behind or give a trap to him in order he fault in this project. I just doing and presenting to other people typically give a chance to work and show their performents.  But what they though when i lend their to do. I just assessed i was not doing something whereas i wait a time to do my part , they acted like never know what’s patience and unconceive.  I evidently mad for this cheesy things. Admit it little confuse of this rule i worked by my self it means i unconsider the exist of my friend and otherwise if i witness they do, scowl will come and the environment turn to uncomfortable make me always wrong, sometimes i heard they talk about me ,like i treated  of them i loser and i wan’t doing a job. Ohh shit .
Honestly i was trying make my job excellent and the thing that i need is process to learn, i also had prove that i’ve done my task  yet, although need waste many time cause i keep did it by learn step by step. It’s enough this unappealing against me. I just meekly and i believe god behind me and he will show the truth .
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Keep calm and think positive

Well, at this moment i just give some excuses why i wrote this article. And actually i’m not intend to hope you guy little bit fluent with my article at least just open your paradigm for people behave.
In above i typed a title according to think positive, cause i consider it’s a basic to gain comfort situation to conduct some activity. During a time , people have been having many obstacles that we never know this was our field to learn about maturity. We knew people if they want to develop and forward by change a mindset and do that they unusually do.
I had ever attempt my self to though pretend that i was wrong. For all i felt it was hurt cause distinctive in my mind, my feeling was combine with something hunt me off. It definitely turned my attitude and mood. I would rather glum, fear and tired. All bad habit tend to become a jail whom bound me to transform me to outstanding person.

In such circumstance i conceive, in case this things i kept, later or immediately . i unable to achieve success. I should go on for my goal and the only think i learn is think about your goal destination, and never thinking about your destiny or hardest part of process. We acknowledge if we conduct something positive we will acquire same positive respond from the outside. Whether it environment, friend and your behave.
So let’s start with the little things like :
Listen people and deny to do take from your selfish
Say hallo
Sharing and talk to people
Stay humble
Reading to increase your qualification
Do the best
Initiative and active
Do those thing and people around to will love and glad have you as good individual. keep inspiring and feel allright.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

orange, love and science

currently i’m very interest to peeling a case about color i’m like. color that i according very sexy. orange is one of favorite except blue and brown. and i hope i can find girls who have blonde orange hair color. in several case color be key to personality. maybe psychology has long time to peel case in personality trough object approach from color.

people said. orange is identify with open mind color. dynamic and friendly. they have characteristic easy going and not bored. they also have desire to life and eat. that sounds great as i expect.
when i was looking orange. my feeling pretend as love something. it absolutely little weird, maybe my lobus accipital in my brain works well, so that i get receive visual stimulation that maybe i able to interpretation toward an object that i was cached of retina when i was looking orange color.
i’m loving orange, anyway. if we talk about love. there was similarity in keyed to physic. attention of spouse can analogical by physic formula.
W= F*S W= work S = space and F= force.
work needs to have attention spouse that impression with space of target and force of attention.
but absolutely. not only that because attractive force among man and woman can consider with formula of physic.
F= K*(Q1*Q2)/R
F= force
K= constanta
Q= quantity
R= distance between two quantity
attractive force can pull or repellence directly proportional with constanta (environment) multiply with second quantity and inversely propotional quadrate of distance.
with result that conclusion similarity. attractive. attractive force or repellence of quantity will impression of “K” factor among both.
as an example. when space among of two pair so far and quantity of love that doesn’t support (many harassment) that love force between both will small.
a strategy when we want to closer with someone we love in order attractive force stronger. so that we need environment that support (K) quantity of both as big as they have. and have tension each other (Q1,Q2) as well as closer (R).
  it’ll natural, when we stay close with man/woman. obviously don’t have response as we expect. it mean there is a component that we need to synchronize  in order we get as we hope.

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january 31st with alysa

one night i stand to stare stars, alone and hopefully a star fall. since that i wish i could send to you that how much i love you. sometimes everyday is rush along remember me all memories with you.even we met trough the phone. but it was make me happy.
no matter how far you are, and time that we should wasted both to find true love. i want in every day you heal my wounds by using your message, and sometimes i felt too the cold of night never having an in with me, cause you are by my side.

seeing star there, cause i was seeing the same stars too. i hope our love can stay together, make this forever. cause i’ll be your shinning star in your night  can give you anything. pray or hopes.
open your eyes i’ll show you a whole wonderful places that you’ve never seen it in your land. and sail with my magic carpet ride. we can see many horizon from above, you’re the one who felt out me, i feel like can’t take a breath without you, i can’t be a stronger without you. i seems like frail if we don’t keep in touch with you, you make me stand, you make me eternal, you never make me get longer in year. may be until 1000 years later. we can live together. and bring our love till we die
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What a hot today

So what do you think  about the sun shine to day ? .. well this is warmer  than 19 years old that I felt among I live. Sun radiating our skin very much UV we can not need. Cause we have limit to accept the radiation.
Look something outside your home that you automaticly like you been in hell, this place has truly become Pandora right.?  But do not make this matter big.
Man should know how to threat their life if they wont life in Pandora that they made of. Sure they should change their life style to sustainable green ecosystem,   imagine  if you are a fish than some people dispose their waste ground in  the river, sure you as fish will die cause of the contamination of waste ground..
Start from now if we wont  transform our earth become hell . thinks green and efficiency first   
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I wonder about frequency wave..

Frequency is a wave and there are two type of frequency likely mekanical wave and electro wave, each of them are frequency form. For the electronic wave, it has been more than less century it used to establish activity of mankind. Such as telecomunication, mixer wave, radio etc
But utillize of frequency not only stop from that world, frequency also has developed to expanding use. Lately is sanding voltage. I can only think the frequancy also have opportunity to more develope again in furture time. Perhaps for human interface or robotic.
Now if we emphasize in telecomunication frequency is very outstanding cause trough voltage that we changed must be suit in flip flop condition. It can potential  to make wave and amplitude within of voltage. In addition the wave will be setted  by osillator particularly in this case we use handry law.
This osillator receive input trough microphone while it work. It’ll make a wave in a certain periode. DC current change positive and negative with assist of inductor become AC. The manner posible to be a tiger for a transistor. Pertending the transistor become switch on and off such a pulse.  So that this frequency can be heart we deed some device that we used for  gain and louder. Therefore we need opamp as gain and louder. But it still interfere to direct transmitte frequency . instead we need repeater before using  opamp as a gain and loud speaker.
Those are the complicated of the frequency world
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my essay Teacher Is Basic Sustainable From Zero To Hero

For most according quantity of world level our education institution gets dishallmark in case we look for many neighborhood country like singapore, australia, malaysa. Etc . disadvantage is taken from quality of eduaction’s solve agency that might be still in some place still applying coruption in tuition. How the instituion can able to be a linemark of edvanceness, in case this still apply?
And for how many students in border and devious teritory can not get same education quality and proper. This’s a phomomena of debillity for come over this case of disadvantage education. In one side the country wants be edvance and the other side this case happen and allowed for many times ago.
Many of us knew basic to reach prosperious’s age through intelectual, and the education is primary basic to get it. We watched on tv there are many student learn in unseemliness school however they have spirit to learn and they want  get out from the thing that make they like this. The social pressure tend occasioning establish them to struggling for them fact. And if we able to set a point like give them facility and expert teacher, may be they can transform to be national power in intelectual.
The teacher as well able to give support to move forward and achieveness for students. Cause the essential thing in the education institution is teacher. Teacher is the one who close to students, they must be role play in throughout of students life.
In europe and america. Teachers able to give a space for each student to dump their suggestion and also  sharing about private life, and if this thing happen we feel later the student might to give their creativity. Occasioning of this case also the students and teacher tend to make space. If there is not a corporation among of them. I sure later the institution will be this as long as age.
For the  solve this , i guess the teacher should have criteria’s support to break this thing. Like they should have expert in skill’s comunication, intelectual, give argumenent and suggestion, discipline, and the essential is close to students.
The teacher also must know in personal of each student, and empatyze for this condition. Like every morning teacher asking about the condition before lesson opened. And teacher should try to make work together in order   this thing can unite among student and teacher.
Teacher is a power of student to sustainable and guide they from zero to hero.
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my essay according case of indonesian worker protection in abroad

Currently protection for indonesian worker in abroad stilll have been lack, more over when several case emerged from our worker there. Begin with strictness, insulting, up to threatened with capital punnishment. The government still keep wishing the way to gain some devisit. And it pretend to every worker were equaled as their productions that already to sell in shape of service to other country. Wherease we can see how greath of potential indonesia in case, the government and society work as a group or working together to solve exit from this case that apparently like immortalize.
The society as a subject that also have impact for a nation. They also have same obligation. In other it will not occure un ballance in process of managing this nation. Ought we must realize to appreciated and carry on what planned and wanted of each other.
The government eather have power to plan and direct their power in mannaging way. As good as their planned if not together with resposibility to managing it was equal with zero result.
According with protection for indonesian worker in abroad. There were three stages that could applied namely : planning, early detect, protection. And one of advantage that wanted to reach in protection for abroad worker of indonesia. I think we need to apply regional regulation about worker and trade in indonesia. Persuing growth of small entreprener and make a light in loan to open a labor and a bridge for requirement easily. Developing education quality and pushing cost of school. Make a sibsidies for the education, developing worker group among international relation in other to closery, and rake in them as our relation of labor. And the government have to active in international peace activity. Muffle conflict and campaign to low ranking of strictness in the world
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My Story

sedikit curhat tentang masa lalu, saya ingin mengajak teman masuk ke sebuah tempat dimana saya dibesarkan..let's  flash back.
saya dibesarkan dengan lingkungan yang cukup harmonis, keluarga yang hangat dan lingkungan yang mendukung untuk berkembang. tapi saya merasa tumbuh oleh bibi dan om-om saya dari pada orang tua saya, mengapa, saya merasa bahwa waktu itu orang tua saya sangat sibuk dengan urusan pekerjaannya masing-masing. gak tau kenapa saya hanya bertemu mereka pada waktu tidur dan ketika makan pagi. selebihnya saya belajar dan bermain ditemani oleh bibi saya.
setiap hari mungkin saya hampir tidak pernah mendengar dan melihat sesuatu apapun baik itu di ruangan ia belajar, dikamar ada nuansa indonesia. semua serba western, nah mungkin ini lah yang menjadikan saya sedikit banyak seperti bibi saya.hihi tapi bukan her act ya lol. back to story
setiap hari dia selalu tanya atau bicara kepada saya dengan bahasa inggris yang di mix dengan bahasa indonesia. dan tak berdaya dengan kenyataan semakin lama karna di ulang-ulang semakin ter record tightly. tapi tetap ada satu keuntungan dan kekurangan. keuntunganya saya bisa dengan mudah belajar bahasa internasional dan kerugiannya saya sering dibully oleh teman-teman saya karena sok inggris. but no matter what they say if i eager this i must be it.
tahun-tahun berlalu sampai saya sadari , saya harus kembangkan abillity ini. hihi
memasuki high school saya berkenalan dengan seorang teman, dia suka music yang sama dengan saya. kalo diinget waktu itu jamannya musik teriak-teriak  atau kerennya disebut screamo.
dia kasih tau saya bahwa dia inggin membuat sebuah band untuk pensi, wah seperti yang saya inginkan sejak lama saya juga berniat untuk membuat sebuah band. ok pada saat itu kami bersepakat untuk membuat sebuah band. kami cukup serius untuk mengembangkan band ini. kami pernah membuat fans page in facebook , sering membuat lagu. nah pada saat pembuatan lagu lah saya mulai menuangkan kata-kata terjemahan bahasa inggris, karena liric bahasa indonesia menurut kami kurang cool. how jealeusy . mau tidak mau kami harus mencari jalan bagaimana kita bisa fluent english. nah waktu itu kita cukup beruntung karena ada seorang cewe yang bisa bahasa inggris dan mau kasih nomer handphone nya ke kita. tanpa pikir panjang kita kasih nomer kita juga dan mulailah kita deket dan familiar dengan speaking trought  the phone awalnya scare dan gitu , tapi lama - lama tanpa kita sadari mulai lancar lah kita.
ok speaking kita lancar cuma accent kita harus di perbaiki maklum orang indonesia .lol lalu kita sering beli cd film english tanpa ganti subtitlenya untuk belajar accent.
terbesit untuk test abillity kita in english kita berusaha untuk cari bule sebanyak-banyaknya untuk jadi teman, penghubung informasi dan lain-lain. bahkan teman date ckckckck
sampai kita bertemu teman dari berbagai negara seperti America, France, Norwegia dan lain-lain
menurut saya ini pengalaman yang luar biasa, karena bahasa internasional kita dapat belajar tentang kebudayaan, pendidikan dan life style disana. dan saya harap dari cerita ini saya dapat menginspirasi teman-teman untuk belajar bahasa internasional karena ini penting untuk dimasa depannya... tentunya mimpi saya , karena saya bermimpi bisa berkuliah di luar negri khususnya di MIT, messachusset institute of tehnology di boston, cambridge USA ... amin
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