Sunday, May 12, 2013

my essay Teacher Is Basic Sustainable From Zero To Hero

my essay Teacher Is Basic Sustainable From Zero To Hero

For most according quantity of world level our education institution gets dishallmark in case we look for many neighborhood country like singapore, australia, malaysa. Etc . disadvantage is taken from quality of eduaction’s solve agency that might be still in some place still applying coruption in tuition. How the instituion can able to be a linemark of edvanceness, in case this still apply?
And for how many students in border and devious teritory can not get same education quality and proper. This’s a phomomena of debillity for come over this case of disadvantage education. In one side the country wants be edvance and the other side this case happen and allowed for many times ago.
Many of us knew basic to reach prosperious’s age through intelectual, and the education is primary basic to get it. We watched on tv there are many student learn in unseemliness school however they have spirit to learn and they want  get out from the thing that make they like this. The social pressure tend occasioning establish them to struggling for them fact. And if we able to set a point like give them facility and expert teacher, may be they can transform to be national power in intelectual.
The teacher as well able to give support to move forward and achieveness for students. Cause the essential thing in the education institution is teacher. Teacher is the one who close to students, they must be role play in throughout of students life.
In europe and america. Teachers able to give a space for each student to dump their suggestion and also  sharing about private life, and if this thing happen we feel later the student might to give their creativity. Occasioning of this case also the students and teacher tend to make space. If there is not a corporation among of them. I sure later the institution will be this as long as age.
For the  solve this , i guess the teacher should have criteria’s support to break this thing. Like they should have expert in skill’s comunication, intelectual, give argumenent and suggestion, discipline, and the essential is close to students.
The teacher also must know in personal of each student, and empatyze for this condition. Like every morning teacher asking about the condition before lesson opened. And teacher should try to make work together in order   this thing can unite among student and teacher.
Teacher is a power of student to sustainable and guide they from zero to hero.
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