Sunday, June 3, 2018

Bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa inggris

kali ini gue bingung bangat buat nulis konten di blog gue, apakah gue harus nulis pakai bahasa indonesia atau bahasa inggris. sebenarnya gue lebih suka nulis pakai bahasa inggris alasannya karena dengan gue nulis pake bahasa inggis, pembaca blog gue akan lebih banyak. gak cuma dari indonesia tapi juga negara lain. tapi jujur gue juga gak mau kalo di indonesia sendiri blog gue gak dibaca..alias diskip. Secara di indonesia sendiri mostly sedikit orang yang suka baca tulisan yang pake bahasa inggris. back to the topic....
dulu gue udah pernah beberapa kali nge published tulisan gue pak bahasa inggris, terus gue share ke temen gue yang tinggal Belanda, Jerman, India.
gue minta feedback dari mereka tentang tulisan dan blog gue. tanggapan mereka sih positive. mereka suka sama blog gue. malah mereka saranin buat lebih banyak lagi nulis pakai bahasa inggris. 
dalam hati gue ngomong..."anjir....akhirnya gue berhasil nulis blog..haha..,, berarti blog gue gak jelek-jelek amat. buktinya bule-bule pada seneng sama tulisan gue..".
ummm...gue sih setuju-setuju aja. kalo buat konten pake bahasa inggris, menurut gue ga ada masalah. untuk konten diblog sendiri, gue nulis apa adanya aja, kaya air kali yang ngalir sampai bermuara ke laut. gue percaya ide itu seperti adonan pizza. dibuat untuk dilempar-lempar-.
tapi sejenak gue pikir lagi kalo gue nulis pake bahasa inggris, pembaca tulisan gue di indonesia gimana... mereka kalo liat tulisan bahasa inggris aja bawaannya males. bikin mata ngantuk katanya. mereka lebih suka baca pake bahasa indonesia. ok lah.. mau itu tulisan bahasa inggris/indonesia menurut gue sama pentingnya. karena reader itu dewa dan gue cuma pelayan aja. yang tiap hari ngasih tulisan kemereka.

"menurut kalian apakah gue harus nulis pakai bahasa indonesia aja atau bahasa inggris...kalian bisa komen dibawah..."

jangan lupa like dan share kalo kamu suka tulisan ini...

salam..and always discuss idea

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Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Worst Traffic Ever

have you ever though that you feel so messed. yea it's true. you know what. there's nothing worst than traffic jam. i think the traffic in my city is unhandle properly. the space of the road is very small and only fit for two small truck. if there are two car, there is still about one meter in between.
in normal day. you can't go to your destination in normal time / on time. you should count not only the distance but out of that, like what time is it, the traffic density, what month is it. it's not as simple as outside of my city. maybe you can arrive on time in your destination. but don't hope it can be.
back to my experience, why i said time is become one of your consideration to count the mileage. in morning and afternoon around 5 pm the density of traffic is very crazy. because all worker in my city go or go home at that time. they are mostly use private vehicle and if they use public transportation is also caused of traffic problem. many public transportation parking in the side way. this is so annoying. making the small road getting more small. 
the traffic density, this is very important to consider before you go. i suggest you to research the traffic by using google map. where is the traffic jam spot that you must avoid. 
you should knowing what month is it now. it kinda ridiculous, in ramadhan the traffic goes to crazy in 4 to 6 PM. in the general month the traffic is nice, okay but in ramadhan the traffic is different 360 degree. like jungle. you can meet many mad people driving in ramadhan. the traffic is more like race circuit than the road. all driver like racer. they run their engine cars / motorcycles so fast. they are like racing to home. make the traffic not safety. density plus misplaced car when turn making traffic jam become worst and making you uneasy. in the general day you can go to there takes 40 minutes. in ramadhan it takes 1 hours. ohh ,,,god..
alright, i also hate if i drive my vehicle meet slow truck and driving mumy. both of them make me mad successfully. when i come late and really want to hurry on the way. the truck in front of me going so slow, i can't pass this truck become on the opposite way the vehicle go so fast. nothing i can do about it. just let it happen. and finally i'm late. the stupid mum driving is also making me wanna fight with them. she always drive slow in the middle of the way and she don't give a damn with all around. when i want to pass in the right side, she go to the right side, when i want to pass in the left side, she such follow me..uughh. madafaka. she also wrong to use turn signal. left signal but she turn right and it happen in opposide.
so my suggesting don't go to a place with estimate time normal. but you must consider how far and how bad the traffic if it happen. late is not good for you. and wasting time in the traffic jam  is make yourself not productive.
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